A client-attracting website has client-attracting copy, not simply written content.
What does that mean?
Let’s begin with some definitions.
Website content is any content you have on your site. The main purpose of website content is to provide information to people. Unfortunately, most therapist and healing websites only consist of content and it’s also what most web designers focus on because they don’t know any better.
Website copy is also content that provides information, but it goes one step further (and it’s a GIGANTIC step).
The main purpose of website copy is to encourage people to take action once they land at your site. This action could be to get people to sign-up for your newsletter or call you to set up an appointment.
Compelling web copy is the single most important aspect of a website that attracts clients.
Therapy or healing clients visit your website to find out what you have to offer them. It’s your job to show them how they will benefit from working with you or from buying something from you. You will have to convince them that they will likely get what they want from taking the action(s) that you want them to take.
Now of course website content — if it’s well done — will usually attract some clients, but client-attracting website copy will typically attract a lot more.
How do I know that compelling web copy attracts more clients?
Because it’s been proven over and over.
Many expert copywriters are fanatical about testing their copy. They write different versions of web pages and then test the results they get. Changing even one word on a website’s headline has been shown to increase response rates by up to 500% or more.
My copywriting clients consistently tell me that their client-attracting web copy makes a huge difference in terms of the number of well-qualified therapy or healing clients they attract. They also say that their clients report that their copy really made them feel understood and hopeful and that was the main reason they called for an appointment.
And this is exactly what strong client-attracting copy is supposed to do.
If you want your copy to be more client-attracting, check out my copywriting services.