The term 'Enlightend Marketing' was inspired by the Buddhist philosophy that has guided me throughout my personal and professional life for the past 27 years. At the core of Buddhist ethics is the notion that all of our actions must avoid harming ... READ MORE
7 Steps For Attracting an Endless Stream of Referrals into your Therapy or Holistic Practice
Many professionals building a therapy or holistic practice seek clients through referral sources and if you are not one of them, you should be! Building your practice through referrals is one of the best ways to have a constant stream of clients ... READ MORE
Holiday Networking Tips For Therapists & Healers
Are you one of those people who says, "My practice always slows down over the holidays," and then passively waits and hopes for it to pick up in the New year? While it is true that business often does slow down over the holiday season, it doesn't ... READ MORE
A Marketing Mindset for Success in Your Therapist or Healing Practice
A lot of practitioners in counseling and the healing arts assume that all they need in order to be successful in their business or practice are more ideas or knowledge about marketing. While it's essential that you have knowledge and skills in ... READ MORE
5 Beliefs That Cause Counselors and Healers to Struggle with Setting & Collecting Fees
The topic of fees and money in general is often a taboo subject amongst Therapists, Holistic Counselors, and other Healers. There is a belief that holds that because you are called into a profession that provides healing services to others, that it ... READ MORE
Relationship: At The Heart of Marketing Your Therapy or Healing Private Practice
Over and over again I hear healing professionals say that they are not skilled at marketing, don't want to market, and that they will never be good at marketing. It is seen as a necessary evil, something that is done only when it has to be. ... READ MORE