(Yes, that's me in the striped shirt above hiking with friends in Strathcona Park on Vancouver Island this summer). It's true. I'm a summer slacker. I take 4 weeks off during the months of June through August. And I often work shorter ... READ MORE
Do You Suffer From Marketing Plan Avoidance Syndrome?
What happens when you see the two words below? “Marketing Plan” Do your eyes glaze over? Do you feel worried that you don’t have one...or wonder if you really need one? If you don’t like the idea of creating a marketing plan for your ... READ MORE
12 Not-So-Secret Solutions to Feeling Stuck Building Your Counseling Practice
Getting stuck. It happens to all of us from time to time when building a counseling practice. The expression, "stuck between a hard place and a rock" captures the feeling well. You want to get unstuck, but when you try, you can't. Everything seems to ... READ MORE
Warning: 5 Marketing Methods That Don’t Work for Therapists
Ok, the title of this article is somewhat misleading. I'm not going to tell you about 5 ways of marketing that don't work. Rather, I am going to tell you about 5 Methods that therapists have told me that they believe do not work. I can't tell you ... READ MORE
Guest Post: How I’m Building My Doula Practice
The following is a guest post by my niece, Jessica Austin. Make sure you also catch her audio interview on building her doula practice here. I’ve never been great at following other people’s rules. As a child I talked back to my parents and as an ... READ MORE
Therapists: Do You Have a Uniqueness Hang-up When Writing Website Copy?
When I write website copy (content) for my therapist and healing practitioner clients, one of the areas they struggle with is describing how they are unique from others in their profession. I often hear things like, "I do the same thing as other ... READ MORE