This article is part 4 in the series called, "How Web Copy Mirrors Therapy and Healing." In part 1 I defined "web copywriting" and then showed how web copy can benefit both you and your healing or therapy clients. In part 2 I discussed the role of ... READ MORE
Websites for Therapists, Counselors and Healing Artists: 5 Mistakes Often Made
One of the biggest obstacles to success for healing professionals, counselors and therapists is that their websites don't attract enough clients. Furthermore, most professionals are completely unaware of why this is the case. This article highlights ... READ MORE
5 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your Therapy or Healing Website
Many counselors, therapists, healing professionals and other holistic practitioners either don't have a website or have one that is sitting in cyberspace not getting much, if any, traffic. Websites that get a lot of visitors are still few and far ... READ MORE
5 Tips for Writing Attention-Grabbing Website Copy for Your Healing or Therapist Website
What is Website Copywriting? Web copywriting is writing the content for your therapist or healing website with the intent to entice people to ultimately buy a product or service from you. ... READ MORE
10 Tips for Developing a Successful Healing or Counselor Website
1. Be clear on your purpose. Building a healing or counseling website can be a long and arduous procedure if you are not sure what you are doing. However, if you have a clear focus as to what you expect your website to do for your private ... READ MORE
Are Your Therapist or Healing Marketing Materials Compelling?
Many therapists and healers spend hours producing marketing materials (websites, brochures, fliers, etc) that don't bring about the results they expected. If this is your experience, you are not alone. Most of my therapist and healing clients come ... READ MORE