I stumbled accross a great post by copywriter, Bob Bly, entitled, What Matters in Marketing is What Works – Not What You Think Works.
So often I hear helping and healing professionals put down or dismiss marketing methods because they tried them and didn’t get the results they expected. They assume the methods are flawed and don’t understand that often the reason they didn’t work was because they implemented them ineffectively.
I have heard professionals say, for example, that testimonials don’t work because they never believe testimonials that they read. The fact is that testimonials are key to the success of the copy used in your promotional materials whether you think they work or not.
To summarize in Bob’s words:
Condemning – or advocating – a marketing tactic because you personally don’t like it or like it is the most amateur mistake you can make.
What you think or don’t think works – or should work – is irrelevant; what actually works or doesn’t work is all that matters.
Conclusion: Do your research and learn how to implement marketing methods properly before you erroneously conclude that a certain method doesn’t work.