Generating business and marketing ideas for your therapy or natural health business is fun and exciting. If you’re anything like me, you may be constantly coming up with ideas for what you can do in your practice or business.
You imagine what it would be like to bring all of your business ideas to fruition, which excites you even more.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could implement all of your wonderful ideas?
Indeed it would.
I’d love to be able to do that.
But, unfortunately, we can’t.
There simply isn’t enough time to implement all of your ideas, especially if you are a big idea generator.
And, what happens if you have too many ideas?
I bet you’ve struggled with more than one of the above a few times since you’ve been building your therapy practice or holistic business.
So, what do you do when you have a lot of ideas, feel overwhelmed and don’t know which ones to implement?
Watch this 6-minute video presentation: How To Manage Idea Overload
If you want more help getting your plan in place for marketing, please check out The Marketing Plan Mini-Camp.
I’d love to hear your comments on the video in the comments field below.
Feel free to share your own ideas on managing idea overload.
Very timely! Swamped with big picture ideas and important details regarding my website overhaul. Just what I needed to break through the confusion and get organized with some focused action steps.
Right on, Mary! get those ideas down on paper and then narrow them down. Step by step you’ll get there.