Your therapy website can be seen as the hub of a wheel–the center or foundation of all your marketing activities. Most people who become clients will have been to your website first and will have chosen you because your website resonated with their struggles and offered some hope that you might be able to help. In website marketing lingo we call this “conversion”, which means turning the people who visit your website into clients.
In the infographic below I’ve listed 10 factors (the green circles) that will influence your conversion rate (the percentage of people who come to your website who decide to become clients). When creating a counseling website, you will need to include as many “conversion factors” as possible to maximize the number of website visitors who will turn into clients. In other words, you will need to create a “Client-Attracting Website” if you want a high conversion rate.
But even a “Client-Attracting Therapist Website” can’t attract clients if people don’t know your website exists. Therefore, you need to utilize marketing methods to send targeted traffic (the type of clients you want) to your website. Obviously, the more targeted the traffic is that you send to your site, the more clients you are likely to get (if you have made your website “client-attracting” by including several of the conversion factors). The pink circles in the infographic show you 10 ways you can use to get traffic to your therapy website.
Want to attract more clients from your website? Check out when the Client-Attracting Websites Program starts.
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