Many people assume that when their web visitors land at their website they read almost everything that’s there.
In most cases, this is far from what happens…In fact, your visitors may be taking a fast exit.
And that is definitely NOT what you want to happen.
Not only do you need to give your web visitors a reason to stick around and read about what you have to offer, you need to make sure you don’t give them a reason to run!
Here are 5 reactions that cause potential clients to leave your site and never return:
1. Confusion
Shortly after they arrive, your potential clients want to know if the site has what they are looking for. If you have an unclear, unfocused or ambiguous message they will feel confused. When people get confused they become agitated, and when they are agitated they leave.
Make sure your site is clearly focused on a specific target market. Have a focused headline that helps them
determine whether or not you have what they want, and make sure your offer is clear.
2. Overwhelm
Does your site overwhelm your visitor with too many elements? Too many graphics, too many colors,
or too many offers? Overwhelm makes people want to get out of there as fast as they can. Keep the number of elements on your pages limited and allow plenty of white space to make it easy to see the things you want them to see.
3. Boredom
Does your copy sound bland or boring? Does it make the reader say, “ho-hum?” Prospective clients are not
going to want to hire someone whose website bores them. Have engaging riveting copy that keeps people
glued to your site so they get excited about working with you. Make them feel hopeful that what you
have to offer can help them solve their problems.
4. Impatience
Don’t make your visitors frantically search around trying to find the information they want. Causing your
prospects to feel impatient will obviously be a big turn-off. Make the experience of navigating your website easy and pleasant. This will encourage them to come back as often as possible.
5. Indecision
Don’t leave your web visitors with unanswered questions. When people don’t have all the information they need to make a decision, guess what? They don’t make a decision. They hesitate. They wait. And if they hesitate, they leave your site and may never come back. You can make sure that people don’t leave undecided by giving them the information they need in order to make a decision.
(By the way, do you know what information your target market is seeking? If not, you probably want to find out.)
It is well known that people “buy” based on their emotions. If you are causing your web visitors to experience negative emotions when they visit your site, you will be the one experiencing the negative emotions when you next look at your bank account!
Want to make sure your website isn’t chasing potential clients away?
Check out the Client-Attracting Websites Program.