Are you a counselor, therapist, coach, or healing professional struggling to market a private practice?
If you are one of the following professionals starting or marketing a private practice, this site is for you:
Therapist, Coach, Counselor, Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Social Worker, Body Worker, Massage Therapist, Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Naturopath, Homeopathic Doctor, Music Therapist, Alternative Health Practitioner, Complementary Health Practitioner, Holistic Health Practitioner, Nutritional Counselor.
Marketing a private practice is difficult for many counselors and healers
If you are starting a private practice or feeling frustrated about the effort it is taking to build a practice, you are not alone. Most counselors, therapists, coaches, holistic practitioners and healers find marketing and building their practice extremely challenging.
In the first place, marketing strategies probably weren’t taught in your professional training program. And creating a business likely wasn’t the reason you decided to start a private therapy or healing practice.
Furthermore, you were trained to be there for your clients and to put their needs first. Self-Promotion can feel self serving and conflict with the values of your work. To make matters worse, you are bombarded daily with manipulative and intrusive marketing methods that you don’t want to be associated with.
All of this can result in negative feelings about marketing your therapy, counselling or healing practice. If you view marketing as something inherently negative, you won’t be motivated to do it. In turn, if you don’t market, you won’t get clients. If you act like you are allergic to marketing, you end up repelling the clients that you can serve best.
You can learn to market your private practice successfully while honoring your integrity
Imagine what it would be like to overcome your fears and negative attitudes about marketing and self-promotion. How would it feel to proudly promote your knowledge and services? How would it feel to get the clients you want to work with who are both willing and able to pay you what you are worth?
You can discover cutting-edge and highly effective methods for attracting clients while remaining authentic, honoring your integrity and the integrity of your profession, expressing your creativity, and have fun in the process!
What it takes to build a counseling or healing private practice
If you want to successfully start or market your private practice, you must value yourself and your services so you can market with confidence. In order to build a private practice successfully, it is essential to think and act from the mindset of knowing you have something highly valuable to offer people and to feel proud and excited to tell them about it. As the famous baseball player, Dizzy Dean said, “If you can do it, it ain’t bragging”.
It is important that you develop structure and discipline by devoting time to market your therapy or healing practice on a regular basis so you remain visible to clients. In addition, you must believe you can be successful and make a commitment to yourself that you will be. You need to make a commitment to build your practice no matter what it takes.
It is necessary to understand the difference between practicing in a profession and having a business. You need to hold a vision for your private practice that is larger than something you do to just pay the bills. You also need to be authentic. You will attract more clients if you come from the place of being authentically you as you build your practice. Potential clients will naturally be drawn to you because of who you are, your uniqueness, and what you have to offer.
In order to be successful at starting a private practice, you must have a viable marketing plan. You cannot get somewhere if you do not know where you are going. Statistics on business success with the first 5 years are extremely low. In ”The E Myth Revisited” Michael Gerber states that 80% of businesses fail within the first year and 80% of those who do succeed in that year fail within the next 5 years. Although there are many reasons for these dismal statistics, it is clear that those that have a marketing plan are more likely to succeed.
I can help you start or build your counseling or healing practice
Over the past 14 years I have taught many professionals in private practice the philosophy, skills and methods required for successfully building a private practice and attracting clients. Clients frequently tell me they would never have achieved their success at building their private practice with out my assistance.
I know first hand the challenges of building a private practice. I know I could not have achieved my success without the training and support I received from mentors who had developed successful private practices themselves.
One of the best strategies for success as you build your private practice is to be mentored and coached by someone who has achieved the success you want. You can learn what it takes to have the success you are longing for and the private practice you dream of having.
You will benefit from my guidance, support, and assistance as I help you hold yourself accountable while you build your private practice. We will work together. In the end you will end up saving yourself a lot of frustration, time, and money.
Your next step…
Like the Zen saying goes, if what you are looking for were where you are currently looking, you would have already found it. Isn’t it time to look somewhere else?
To begin your journey of attracting all the clients you want into your counseling or healing private practice:
Get my FREE, 22-page report, “67 Surefire Ways to Attract Clients” and access to a website video critique. Just fill in your first name and email below.