The Businesses in Bloom Podcast
Instructions for Interview with Juliet Austin
Thank you for joining me for an interview on my Businesses in Bloom Podcast.
Prior to the Skype Interview
So we can create a high-quality recording, please follow the instructions below carefully. Any sounds around you will be heard on the recording and we want to avoid that.
- Be in a Quiet Space: Ensure you are in a quiet room and close windows if there is noise outside.
- Turn phone ringers off: The ringer on all phones should be turned off (or put them on silent or in another room).
- Dogs: If you have a dog, please put him or her outside for the duration of the interview, if possible.
- Ensure you are connected with me on Skype: My Skype name is julietaustin – please ensure we are connected as contacts – add me as a contact if I haven’t already added you.
- Microphone Headset – for best sound quality, use a ‘Skype’ style headphone, with a USB connection. If you don’t have a headset, use earbuds with a microphone (the kind you use with a smart phone). The sound quality on the recording will be poor if you just speak into your computer microphone.
- Use a Wired Internet Connection: Use a ‘wired’ (ethernet) internet connection if possible rather than wifi (wired connections are much more stable).
- Close all applications on your computer: Skype is the only application that should be open.
- Turn off any sound notifications: Close all programs on your computer that have sound notifications. Otherwise, any notifications that might pop-up with a PING will be heard on the recording.
During the Interview
- Turn on “Do Not Disturb”: As soon as we connect on Skype put your Skype on “do not disturb’ (don’t do it before we connect on Skype or I won’t be able to call you).
- Bloopers: Don’t worry about making bloopers during the interview. I will edit out any serious mistakes – a few umms and aahs are OK, they are natural. If you lose track of your thoughts or want to say something in a different way, just say so and leave a couple of seconds silence before you repeat it – this makes it easy to edit.
- Interview Duration: The interview will last for 30-40 minutes, but please allow 1 hour as I like to spend 5-10 minutes chatting casually before we start the interview, and we may go over the 40-minute mark if we are in the middle of an interesting conversation.
Interview Questions
There is no need to prepare anything. Please don’t rehearse your answers. This is an interview, hence, it will be a conversation, not a speech or a presentation. We want the interview to sound natural – the two of us need to sound like we are “connected” during the conversation.
There are 3 parts to the interview:
- How and why you do what you do.
- What you do, your clients/customers and what you offer them.
- How you built your business.
I use the following questions as a guide and may veer off from them during the interview:
- What was your motivation/inspiration for the type of work you do?
- Tell me something about yourself, your work and your business/practice.
- Who are your customers/clients/patients and how do you help them?
- How do you generate revenue (what services, products or programs, do you offer)?
- What marketing activities did you/do you use to build your practice or business?
- What are some of the challenges you’ve had to overcome in building your business/your career? Perhaps a “failure” or time of struggle and/or doubt?
- How many hours per week do you work and how do you manage work/life balance? What do you do for self-care?
- What was the best moment in building your practice/business? What are you most proud of?
- What are the core reasons for your success?
- What are the next steps you intend to take in your business/career?
- What advice do you have for others building a practice/business?
Publication of the Interview
The interview will be published on my website and also on iTunes. I am recording interviews about 6-8 weeks ahead of their publication date – I will notify you when the interview is published.
The audio recording will be published on my website at with your bio, some notes about the interview, and a link to your website. I will also promote the interview on my social media channels and to almost 11,000 subscribers on my email list.
We will also send you the embed code for the audio so you can put it on your website if you choose to do so. I ask that you also create a link back to my website at
If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact my assistant, Gina, at